
For more than 20 years, our team has provided patients with safe and effective vascular treatment options, cutting edge technology based on industry-leading research and perhaps most importantly, compassion. Each patient is unique and we are committed to doing what is best. We strive to reduce/eliminate your pain and get you back to the life you choose to live. But, don’t take our word for it. Click on the video and written testimonials below to hear what our patients have to say about us. 

Stephen J. Annest, MD, FACS

Injured on the job as a result of manual labor, I was in pain for about a year before I finally found Dr. Annest. Because I was young, my workers compensation doctor thought physical therapy would be sufficient and he did not believe surgery was necessary. My symptoms included weakness, numbness, tingling, pain, inability to move my right arm above my shoulder and at times my ulnar nerve was cold and light bluish in color indicating loss of function in my arteries and veins. Despite these drastic symptoms, my workers compensation doctor still didn't think that surgery was necessary. I decided that something needed to be done and that’s when another doctor agreed and sent me to Dr. Annest who quickly cited that I had all the symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, which oftentimes can be fixed with physician therapy at my age, however, that was not the case for me. At this point I was on my sixth physical therapist in a year and not only did I achieve little to no improvement, each day was harder than the previous. Dr. Annest was committed to determining the cause and appropriate treatment for me to heal properly which included a first rib resection and release of both pectoral minor and scalene muscle. He personally called my case worker and fought for this surgery to get approved, which it finally did. I am a little over two months post-op with almost no symptoms left in my right arm besides some weakness and soreness, which are common to have after a major procedure like that. I am so thankful I went to an outside opinion besides my workers compensation doctor. I now have the normal life a 23-year-old girl should have.  

I just want to extend my profound gratitude to Dr. Annest and Dr. Synn, who saved my life December 21, 2012 at 4:30 AM with an emergency AAA procedure. Dr. Garland masterfully followed up on March 18, 2020 to repair endo leaks and close the aneurysm, all without any pain or any scarring. These Doctors have extended my life with their skills and I am eternally grateful. 26 years of smoking is rarely rewarded with such good fortune.

I have had chronic pain on the bottom of the front of my neck, right under my collar bone area for years now. It was hard to lift my arms past 90 degrees especially when reaching overhead. I love playing sports like basketball and volleyball, but when I played, the pain increased and numbness down my shoulders occurred. All my symptoms instantly subsided after having TOS surgery done by Dr. Annest. My life has forever been changed for the better and I could not be more thankful!

Following his 15th birthday in November (4 months after his surgery) Gray was back to swimming at about 50%. He continued to see a physiotherapist weekly until about 6 months after surgery. In December he tried out for his high school's Varsity swim team and made it. He is also now swimming with an elite private club. So, he is swimming 5-6 days a week and getting faster every day. So, his surgery was a complete success! We wanted to thank you for listening to his complaints and taking he and I seriously. It was a long road and trip getting to you from Tokyo but we are certainly happy that we did it. He is one very happy teenager!

Brandon Ty. Garland, MD

The Vascular Institute of the Rockies really did a fantastic job of taking care of me and my vein issues. From the initial consultation through the last visit working with VIR has been effortless on my part (other than being on time for my appointments). The day of my procedure I arrived with my prescriptions and was prepared by Dr. Garland’s team. Then we had to wait just a little while. Dr. Garland had an unscheduled emergency at the hospital. His staff took great care of me while we waited. I was nervous, but the conversations with his team and music helped lighten my mood. During the procedure Dr. Garland took the time  to explain what he was doing and the process. 

The instructions issued by VIR are clear and easy to follow from day of procedure to follow up several days later. My legs haven’t felt this good in years. I would recommend VIR to anyone having soar achy legs due to various veins.    

The team here at the Vascular Institute of the Rockies is really great. They love their people. All the doctors and nurses, especially Lynette, Brittany, Meredith, Sue, Jessica and Dr. Garland, are really nice. My treatment is going really well thanks to Dr. Garland and Brittany.  

I have been a patient of Dr. Brandon (Ty) Garland’s for over three years. Simply put, he is outstanding in every way, from his superb surgical skills to his ability to personally connect with patients and his willingness to make himself available at any time to answer questions.  

Dr. Garland has performed several surgical procedures on me, including one that was extremely serious. I continue to see him every three months for follow-up tests and review. He has a very calming demeanor that stays with me for hours after our appointments. I  have complete trust in Dr. Garland’s ability to make the correct diagnosis and in his treatment recommendations.  

Colorado is so fortunate to have Dr. Garland. 

Dr. Ty Garland was on call at St. Joseph's Hospital Emergency Room back in early 2016 when I admitted my eldest sister for a blood clot in her right leg.  Dr. Garland's bedside manner is amazing.  Dr. Garland communicates effectively, shows empathy and even uses humor to dispel a difficult situation. 

Within a few months, my sister was back in hospital with an occluded stent and, again, Dr. Garland was able to open the blockage.  Three hospitalizations later, because of the expertise of Dr. Garland, my sister has not lost her leg to amputation.  

I cannot sing his praises loud enough, nor those of Brittney, Lynette and the ultrasound staff. I offered to adopt him, but he said he already has a mother. May he continue to grow, learn and help many more patients.  He is loved, cared about and prayed for. 

Before being referred to Dr. Ty Garland I could barely walk more than half a block because of severe pain on my right side.  After doing an ultrasound it was discovered that I had blockage in both my right and left leg.  Dr. Garland performed an angioplasty and now I am completely free of any pain and can walk with ease.  I am so grateful to Dr. Garland and VIR, I feel like he gave me my life back.

After a knee replacement procedure in 2019, I developed a blood clot in my popliteal artery. I was rushed by helicopter to an ER facility with vascular surgeons available to perform a bypass surgery. Dr. Ty Garland ordered a CT scan; results showed a small amount of blood flow to the foot. After some discussion and explanation my wife said to him, "If this was your father, what would you recommend?" He replied, "I would not do a bypass at this time, and please understand that I do not get paid unless I do a procedure." We so appreciated his explanation and concern as if we were a family member and certainly respect his professionalism and it not being about money but what he thought best for me, the patient!

I just want to extend my profound gratitude to Dr. Annest and Dr. Synn, who saved my life December 21, 2012 at 4:30 AM with an emergency AAA procedure. Dr. Garland masterfully followed up on March 18, 2020 to repair endo leaks and close the aneurysm, all without any pain or any scarring. These Doctors have extended my life with their skills and I am eternally grateful. 26 years of smoking is rarely rewarded with such good fortune.

Bryan C. Kramer, MD

I came in with a foot problem and Dr. Bryan Kramer knew exactly what was wrong and how to fix it. He saved my leg from being amputated and now I live a normal life thanks to Dr. Kramer's expertise. Beyond the surgery, the post-operative care provided by Dr. Kramer and the VIR staff was very much appreciated. I would recommend Dr. Kramer to anyone with a circulation problem. 

It has been my experience these past few years to get to know the personnel at the Vascular Institute of the Rockies and the group addresses your problems with professionalism and caring. From the front desk to the doctors, they all get an “atta-boy” for a job well done!

Dr. Raj Sharma referred me to Vascular Institute Of The Rockies in Dec. 2015. Dr. Sharma had done a number of procedures putting stents in both of my legs to improve blood flow but continuing leg pain and discoloration of the legs indicated that more extensive work was required. After a consultation with Dr. Bryan Kramer, he performed vein transplants in both of my legs on Jan. 18, 2016.  On my left leg, the transplant was from the groin to the ankle using natural vein harvested from my femoral artery. On the right leg, synthetic material was used above the knee and natural vein below the knee. Post-surgery, I was hospitalized for six days followed by a month in rehab followed by home nursing care visits. Also post-surgery, the use of a wound vac was required for several weeks.   

The work performed by Dr. Kramer was a complete success. During the month of rehab I saw Dr. Kramer to assess progress on three occasions, followed by less frequent visits followed by even fewer visits. Now I see Dr. Kramer every six months. If not for Dr. Kramer, my husband and I feel that I may very well have lost a leg. Dr. Kramer takes an incredible interest in my well-being. Visits to Dr. Kramer invariably involve his explaining to medical students the procedure that was done in some detail.  

I am now 79 years old, have no leg pain, have good color and warmth now in my feet.   

The two surgeries I had prior to meeting Dr. Kramer made my legs worse. I would recommend him to anyone and the team was a GOD send. I am happy to say my circulation has improved thanks to Dr. Kramer and the team at VIR!  

Dr. Kramer is the epitome of knowledge, skills and caring within the arena of vascular deficiencies. He addressed arterial issues I had with my legs and upper torso, saving me from amputation of my limbs and possible loss of life. Dr. Kramer’s medical team exemplified his work ethics and offer the same warm and efficient attention to their patients. I am indebted to them all.  

In March 2017, I was experiencing some pain and discomfort on the left side of my stomach. After receiving a CAT scan, I was referred to Dr. Alan Synn at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction, CO and then his associate, Dr. Bryan Kramer, in Denver. In 2014, I was given the BCG treatment to kill my bladder cancer. Dr. Kramer diagnosed that the BCG bacteria came alive in my body and was attacking some repairs that had been done to my aorta. 

Dr. Kramer visited with my family for two hours the day before my surgery to explain to us how the surgery would go. Not knowing Dr. Kramer or anyone at the hospital, he made my whole family feel secure. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Dr. Kramer and his skilled team. I believe that Dr. Kramer saved my life and for that, he is my hero. My family and I are forever grateful. 

I was deemed an athlete long before I even turned one. I guess that happens when you start walking at nine months. I have played everything from collegiate soccer to women's professional football. Even after a couple meniscectomies and a few ACL reconstructions, nothing could stop me. Nothing until April 2015. For no known reason (at least at the time), I was spontaneously unable to walk without excruciating pain. I went to doctor after doctor. Every exam imaginable was performed: ultrasounds, MRIs, CT scans, dry needling, cupping, compartment syndrome testing, etc. I had lost all hope. It wasn't until my physical therapist referred me to a specific doctor that an MRA was taken and my disease finally diagnosed: Advential Cystic Disease of the Popliteal Artery. Dr. Bryan Kramer at the Vascular Institute of the Rockies undeniably saved my life -- and my sanity. He removed the cyst and created a bypass for my blood to be redirected from the affected artery. In much fewer words, he performed a miracle, and I am forever indebted to him and his team at VIR.

I came to Dr. Bryan Kramer after a previous abdominal aortic bypass surgery, stenting, and angioplasty had become blocked again. Dr. Kramer and team performed a complicated abdominal aortic bypass and repair with what I feel, after 6 years, is an excellent outcome. Dr. Kramer also helped me truly understand the importance of lifestyle changes. I am grateful for the team’s knowledge and expertise.

In 2016 I was having back surgery when the scar tissue from a previous blood clot interfered with the insertion and caused the tearing of my vena cava and left and right iliac.   Dr. Kramer was called in to repair these veins specifically because of his groundbreaking work in using artificial veins. 

I, of course, had not had a chance to meet Dr. Kramer before this unplanned part of my surgery.   The next day when it appeared I might need additional repairs, Dr. Kramer changed his schedule to come see me again. It turned out it was not needed but that led me to my first official meeting with Dr. Kramer. Instead of just leaving after the doctors consulted, Dr. Kramer made a point of coming to meet me in my hospital room. He sat on the edge of my bed and we had a wonderful time chatting and getting to know each other.  It reminded me of years ago when your doctor was like a personal friend. 
In the years since, my follow up appointments with Dr. Kramer are ones both my husband and I look forward to. 

I shudder when I contemplate how restrictive life would be if I had had traditional vein repair.  Because of Dr. Kramer’s work and expertise in using artificial veins, I, in my 70’s, am still enjoying biking, kayaking, clogging and dancing!  Life is wonderful!  Thank you, Dr. Kramer!

I was referred to Dr. Kramer five years ago, when I was losing my ability to walk. My legs would cramp and hurt really bad. My little toe was also not getting enough blood flow. Dr. Kramer was very confident that he could fix the problem that I was experiencing. I will be forever grateful to Dr. Kramer. He is the best at was he does. Dr. Kramer really cares about his patients and took very good care of me. He is my angel sent from heaven. Thank you, Dr. Kramer 

Barbara Melendez, MD

Between 2010-2011, I was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases which include Lupus, Raynaud's and Scleroderma. Each condition brought their own challenges but in the last eight years, Raynaud's and Scleroderma had changed my ability to perform basic life skills. The Raynaud's caused me to have extreme tingling, numbness and constant shooting pain down both of my arms and the scleroderma caused me to lose a great deal of my mobility, especially in my upper body.  I had seen several specialists and Dr. Barbara Melendez was my last possibility for assistance. 

During my first visit with Dr. Melendez, I was unable to complete the evaluation due to my limited mobility.  Despite the extreme pain in my arms, we were able to complete testing and determine that my symptoms were due to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). After the test, I was not only able to raise my arm, but a lot of my mobility issues had resolved. I was so excited and looked forward to having the surgery.

My surgery was performed on February 5, 2020. Since then I am able to do basic household chores, lift weights, exercise, dance and best of all, the pain in my arms is gone.  I still have problems related to my autoimmune conditions, but this surgery has drastically changed my life.  Before this surgery, I had come to terms with my conditions and accepted that my abilities may continue to deteriorate over the years. I thought that I would never be able to do the things that I enjoyed again but this surgery has changed my life. I am forever in debt to Dr. Melendez.

Thank you, Vascular Institute of the Rockies, for giving me back a piece of my old life.

I was referred to the Vascular Institute of the Rockies after visiting the emergency room in December of 2017.  Over the next year, I worked with Dr. Melendez and her team to determine what was causing symptoms in my right arm.  Dr. Melendez balanced a conservative treatment plan with consideration of my pain level.  She demonstrated everything that a surgeon should be.  I ultimately underwent a first rib resection and scalenectomy in December of 2018 for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS).  Dr. Melendez continued her world-class care in my post-op recovery.  I am eternally grateful to her and her team for fixing my “magical color changing” arm. 

Omar Mubarak, MD

Prior to my treatment by the Vascular Institute of the Rockies I struggled to maintain the active life-style that I wanted and expected to have. I had pain that restricted my ability to walk, bike and exercise - all very important activities in my life. Dr. Omar Mubarak performed the surgery and freed me of these restrictions. I am now able to enjoy hiking, biking and an exercise regime without pain, and to simply enjoy walking - a huge improvement in my quality of life. The process was not difficult or arduous and the rewards are enormous. I am delighted that I took the decision to address my issues with VIR.

I first met Dr. Omar Mubarak of the Vascular Institute of the Rockies in October 2010 when I needed to have an IVC (Inferior Vena Cava) Filter emplaced to help prevent chronic and acute residual blood clots from moving from my legs to my heart or lungs. The procedure and the device have worked perfectly ever since. Subsequently for 3 different procedures, I have consulted with and received treatment from Dr. Mubarak for symptoms of temporal arteritis (February 2014), for varicose veins in both legs using RF ablation [outstanding results from out-patient, in office procedure] (October 2018) and for phlebitis in my left ankle (July 2019). Dr. Mubarak and his medical staff are OUTSTANDING professionals who provide expert advice and treatment in a caring but straight-forward manner while respecting patient needs and time. For anyone needing medical diagnosis and/or treatment related to blood vessels, Dr. Mubarak and the Vascular Institute of the Rockies should be the first option to consider.

Alan Synn, MD, FACS

I just wanted to let you know about my experience with your staff & facility. I was very pleased with Sara Montanez’s service she provided. She was very patient and answered all of my questions and made sure I understood everything without confusion. Her bedside manner was great. The MA Claudia was also very great with the way she cared for me. Dr. Alan Synn is one of the best doctors I have had in years. He is absolutely fantastic. I’m very grateful I am under his care and the care of the amazing staff at your facility.  

My name is Anthony Lopez and I just want to thank Dr. Alan Synn and the entire team at Vascular Institute of the Rockies. I had my surgical procedure on 4/9/19, and from the first meeting to my follow up appointment post-surgery, Dr. Synn and his entire team were wonderful. They put my wife and myself at ease, answered all of our questions, thoroughly explained what to expect, and had absolutely wonderful bedside manner. I was given a choice of what hospital to have my procedure, I chose St. Joe’s hospital in Denver and everyone treated me with respect and spoke so highly of Dr. Synn. Dr Synn had promised to get me back on the basketball court and true to his word, I am now back to playing basketball.

The Vascular Institute of the Rockies and Dr. Alan Synn provided outstanding healthcare when I found out at a young age that I needed immediate surgery to remove an aneurysm in my leg. During the recovery process, they were extremely thorough in monitoring the repaired area. I always felt extremely comfortable and knew I had the right people providing me with the highest quality of care.

Thank you for allowing me to comment on my care from Dr. Synn and the Vascular Institute of Denver. Men in my family have had a history of aortic aneurysms and as such, I started to watch early on. Dr. Synn and I tested and watched for several years before he recommended my surgery. My procedure was complicated with heart problems as well as being a supra-renal abdominal aortic aneurysm involving kidney arteries. Dr. Synn and VIR assembled a specialized team of doctors to perform my surgery in January of 2013. My recovery was short and I am as active today, 6 years later, as I was twenty years ago. I would rate the care, professionalism and results of Dr. Synn/VIR above all others I have encountered.

Dr. Synn has performed two carotid artery procedures on me, one ten years ago on the left side and one on the right side last year. My arteries remain totally clear!  Dr. Synn had monitored me for ten years and has only done what needs to be done. And, he is an artist. I have virtually no scarring on my neck. I consider Dr. Synn a good friend and I owe him and his staff my continued wonderful quality of life.

Thank you Dr. Synn!

I am a 45-year-old mother of three kids. I had my first saphenous vein successfully removed back east after it was damaged playing soccer in college. After the birth of my first child, I began to experience serious and relatively uncomfortable varicosities in my other saphenous veins and that was when I saw Dr. Alan Synn for the first time 15 years ago. He did a stab phlebectomy on the lower part of my leg and venous closure with radio frequency ablation on the upper part of my saphenous vein. I had amazing results in both the look and feel of my leg. Dr. Synn was the consummate professional. I felt very comfortable with his professional experience as well as his calm and informative demeanor. He did a beautiful job. I had no pain from the procedure and was able to be back up and moving in a few days. 
I recently revisited Dr. Synn for some lower leg varicosities that he very skillfully ablated without any pain or discomfort. I think he is a fantastic vascular surgeon whom I would trust with any of my complicated vascular issues. I highly recommend him.

Dear Dr. Synn and staff at Vascular Institute of the Rockies. After a blood test, I was diagnosed by my primary care doctor with an aneurism in my aorta. I was referred to Dr. Synn for treatment. Dr. Synn is a very good doctor. He knew all about my problem and knew right away what to do. Dr. Synn was very congenial, attentive and professional. I had three more visits with him since my operation and am doing well. I look forward to my next appointment with Dr. Synn.

I would like to say thanks to Dr. Alan Synn and the staff at the Vascular Institute of the Rockies. Dr. Synn is a true professional and I would recommend him to any of my friends or family as a vascular surgeon. I trust him with my current and future care. He has wonderful bedside manner – he is kind and he is a thoughtful listener. I am grateful I was under his care. All members of the staff I worked with were professional, helpful and kind and I would also recommend this location to others who have vascular needs.

I just want to extend my profound gratitude to Dr. Annest and Dr. Synn, who saved my life December 21, 2012 at 4:30 AM with an emergency AAA procedure. Dr. Garland masterfully followed up on March 18, 2020 to repair endo leaks and close the aneurysm, all without any pain or any scarring. These Doctors have extended my life with their skills and I am eternally grateful. 26 years of smoking is rarely rewarded with such good fortune.

Deborah Meyersen
Everyone in the office provided stellar care!? They're all very caring yet professionals. They're excellent in what they do. I'm so excited to have found someone who is actually able to provide help for my legs.
Kay Bivens
From the moment I stepped into the office I felt cared for. The staff was very attentive to my needs. They explained in detail the procedures, and what to expect afterward. I would recommend anyone with vein concerns to this office. I am so thankful to have my legs back.
Mike McCabe
Your Grand Junction team is first class. I have been there several times and your crew from the front desk to the ultrasound technician, to the nurses up front, procedure nurses and doctors are extremely helpful and truly care about what they are doing. They truly care about the patient. I have been going to the local vascular clinics for several years and hands down VIR surpasses its competitors. I would highly recommend VIR services to anybody needing vascular care.
Bonnie Huisjen
Dr Synn did an absolutely amazing job on some very large and ugly varicose veins. He was so kind and patient and very respectful to the staff. Bandage from one leg removed today and it feels great. Thank you!!!
Gregory Mitchell
Ty Garland is the best doctor we have ever encountered. He's personable, knowledgeable and patient. He can explain things in a way you can understand. He never makes you feel rushed. Getting in to see him can take awhile, but he's worth the wait.
Eugene F.
The doctors went out of their way to perform emergency surgery. All of the doctors, nurses etc. were wonderful. I feel fortunate to have found this practice.
Great staff, easy parking, compassionate professional physician's.
Kelley R.
In 2019, I had an unfortunate mountain biking accident in which the handlebar severed my femoral artery. Dr. Kramer was there to save my leg and possibly my life, and I will be forever grateful. The people at VIR have been there for me ever since in my follow-up visits, and I feel confident that because of their support for my journey, I can live a long and healthy life, doing the things I love such as running and hiking.
nicolle merrell
everybody is friendly and I always get my answers quickly
Jesus M.
Excellent service!
Paul J.
Although carotid artery surgery is not a great way to start summer, my experience with Dr. Garland was excellent in every way. Quick full recovery.
Chad B.
The care I received was excellent and very professional, this time and every time. Starting from the ultrasound techs that are always willing to go above and beyond to help me and keep me calm. The same goes for all the nurses that assisted me. I could not ask for better doctors and surgeon. I truly got lucky with the Vascular Institute. I would also like to thank Sara the physician Assistant - she always take the extra time to answer all my questions. And ease my anxiety. Thank you
S. White
Everyone was very nice, professional. Everyone made a bit of a scary procedure for me easier to deal with. They all made sure I was comfortable.
E. Thomas
Dr. Melendez listened to me in a way that no doctor has listened to me in 3 years of chronic pain. She made me feel like there’s hope of solving this for once.
VIR and Doctor Synn along with his PA has always been upfront with my condition and has always explained my operations and procedures. I fully trust all VIR staff, I have experienced professionalism and caring people. My stay at Lutheran Hospital was excellent by caring people. The trust you have in caring people overrides all negatives. Thank you very much for taking care of me.
Emma C.
Everyone was courteous, quick and listened to my concerns. They squeezed me in for an afternoon ultrasound as I did not want to make the drive the next day. Thank You for taking such good care of me.
Liz R.
Professional, communicative — appreciate the care and service!
Joyce W.
I've been seeing Dr. Kramer for over 9 years. He is the best doctor I've ever had. He is caring, thorough, thoughtful and can still be funny. I never feel rushed and he always takes as much time with me as I need. He always has an bunch of students following him around which I think is great. They are learning how to be good doctors and have people skills. I feel like we have become friends besides being doctor and patient. I sometimes wonder if I would still have my leg if I hadn't happened on to Dr. Kramer when I did.
Jaycee B.
When I went for my initial appt. everyone made me feel comfortable. Dr. Mubarak explained everything and set up the referrals for me to get the care I need. He got straight to the point; I like that about him. I would recommend Vascular Institute to everyone.
Mohamed A.
Great staff, great doctor and awesome result.
Ewa L.
I had such a wonderful experience with the Vascular Institute of the Rockies in Grand Junction! I had my renal ultrasound done at this location and the radiologist was fantastic and knowledgeable. I could not have asked for a better experience at a medical practice as everyone there is kind and helpful. Overall really nice atmosphere and I so appreciate this amazing experience. Thank you so much for making such a great difference for me!
Chris H.
My experience with VIR was with Dr. Horner (his office is located there) who conducted several procedures on my back vertebrae to stabilize fracturing and to biopsy for potential tumor development. Dr. Horner was awesome. Pre-procedures, he explained in very understandable terms what he wanted to do and why. He insisted that I have a new MRI to better guide his planned procedure. That MRI was critical in identifying new areas of concern that he recommended be addressed. The procedures were very successful in greatly reducing back pain associated with the vertebrae fracturing and confirming cancer as the cause of the fracturing. I'm now addressing the cancer issue with an optimistic outlook as it hadn't advanced substantially. Dr. Horner also asked for a post-procedure appointment about two months after his work. He clearly did not have to do this, but from my point of view it was useful and demonstrated his concern for his patients. I would give Dr. Horner 6 stars if possible.
Roland Schmidt
The staff was efficient and explained the purpose of the procedure.
Richard H.
We were at two locations and were treated in a timely and professional manner. The medical staff kept us informed and made certain we were comfortable with the procedures and follow ups. We would recommend the practice without hesitation.
John F.
I was seeing a different vascular practice for some claudication I was experiencing in my right leg. The surgeon kept wanting me to “wait and see” as my symptoms got increasingly worse. I did some homework and found Dr. Garland at VIR. He saw me right away for a consult, and I was quite impressed with his professionalism and his actual empathy. He was able to do a popliteal arterial bypass which instantly relieved me of the painful symptoms I had been experiencing. I would highly recommend Dr. Garland for anyone needing some vascular intervention.
Ruth S.
I recently had my 7th procedure done at VIR. I could not be more pleased. Dr. Mubarak is a life saver - literally. He and his team take time to find out what is really going on with my arteries and veins and then go about to treat the issues. I am very thankful for VIR.
Robes L.
Very professional, efficient and friendly. Nice, pleasant staff.
Donna S.
Dr. Mubarak and Brittany McDonald his PA are the best 2 specialists that I have in my life right now. Brittney is thorough and takes her time to answer all my questions. Long ,long ago and far away, Dr. Mubarak saved my life what can I say... I adore him!
I’m not a person who trusts very easily but somehow I was quite convinced that my surgery would fix my problems and it actually did. Dr. Kramer answered all my questions and delivered results. I had almost given up but knew when I woke up from surgery that it was successful. My feet are no longer cold and my legs aren’t numb anymore. I was very well taken care of by Dr. Kramer as well as his very fine staff. St. Joseph’s staff took excellent care of me and I can’t thank them enough. I am sincerely humbled and will never be able to repay my new lease on life. I’m also in awe of the skill that is required to be able to actually fix something like this. I have the highest respect for these wonderful folks.
Nice facility and very short wait times.
Great service from X-ray technician, doctor and staff. Thank you!